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Writing Prompt #2

Have your ever spoken up when you saw something going on that was wrong? Were you scared? What ended up happening?

I Have a bit of an unconventional answer for this one. A bit earlier this semester my university announced a change in our diplomas. I am a sophomore this year a this is a pretty new situation for me.  So my university has a main campus and then a few satellite campuses. I am attending the largest of the satellite campuses. Mind you this is a prestigious university so graduating from here is a big deal to employers. So this diploma change was going to specify what campus we graduated from. Practically the entire student body was enraged. Changing the name could potentially make our degrees less credible to employers. I signed a petion to stop the change and I went to a few meetings about the topic. I was really upset about the whole thing. I pay the same amount of tuition as anyone of the main campus so them not giving me the title everyone else would get really scared me. By the end of the week my school officials retracted their statement and apologized. The whole situation made me lose trust in my university and it hurts that I now have to worry about my safety at this school. 

Please respond to this prompt as well, I'd love to read what you wrote.

This prompt is from the 300 Writing Prompts notebook by Piccadilly (USA). 

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